Health Blog

Improve Your Posture to Reduce Your Risk for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

In our last post, we explained that although it’s not completely clear what causes myofascial pain syndrome, several factors have been identified that likely contribute to its development. One risk factor that’s worthy of our attention is the use of poor posture while sitting. And since working from home has become part of the new […]

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Seeing a physical therapist can reduce the odds of having surgery

When knee pain occurs, additional interventions are usually needed, which can range from noninvasive options like physical therapy to more intense procedures like surgery. Which option you choose can have a significant impact on your long-term outcome and the chances that you will eventually undergo additional interventions as well. To show you how this can […]

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Proper hydration & nutrition can help prevent ski injuries

Skiing is a great form of exercise that works out many parts of the body while allowing you to experience the outdoors during the colder parts of the year. There are many steps to ensuring a successful day—and season—on the slopes, including the use of appropriate clothing, proper protective gear, and planning ahead. But another […]

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For jaw pain, physical therapy is always your best bet.

In our last three newsletters this month, we’ve shown you how prevalent temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are in the general population, offered several suggestions to help you reduce your risk of experiencing these issues, and provided our top tips for at-home remedies for alleviating your symptoms independently. While these remedies are beneficial for many patients, they […]

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